Hardy Cares is focused on assisting and supporting ALL Hardy families in need of help at any given time.
For Hardy families needing help with basic necessities, our committee raises funds specifically to help provide fresh groceries, diapers, gas and winter clothing. (Hardy Cares does not receive any funding from the general PTO.)
Our elementary schools have a dedicated social worker who, along with our Principals and School Psychologists, assists dozens of vulnerable families within our school communities and relies on Cares programs within the schools to provide basic necessities.
For Hardy families facing an extraordinary event such as hospitalization, a loss, surgery, birth, etc., our parent volunteers support families by providing meal deliveries and/or carpool rides.

How can you support Hardy families in need of help? Simply email hardycares@gmail.com to be included on the Hardy Cares distribution list! You will be informed about our community's specific needs throughout the year, including opportunities to:
Donate gently-used winter clothing/gear, baby items, etc. as needed by Hardy families
Donate gift cards to help Hardy families purchase basic supplies
Deliver a meal to a Hardy family in need of support
When safe, provide carpool rides for Hardy students who do not have a ride to school during cold winter mornings (especially when temperatures dip below 25 degrees)
Now more than ever, we need to turn to each other and support everyone within our community who may need help! These unprecedented times have severely impacted food security and access to basic necessities for some of our students and their families. If you are able to, we would greatly appreciate it if you can please sign up to be part of this program.
And please, if you are in need of the support Hardy Cares can provide, do not hesitate to reach out to Hardy School Psychologist, Lisa Goodman, (goodmanl@wellesleyps.org), Hardy Principal, Grant Smith (smithg@wellesleyps.org), Julie McMenamy, School Adjustment Counselor, (mcmenamyj@wellesleyps.org).