2017/18 PTO Board (& Opportunities)
With the coming close to the school year, planning for next year has already begun in earnest. Keeping the wheels of the PTO turning requires contributions from dozens of parents and measured planning. Last year's PTO board, led by Elizabeth McDonough, Ansley Martin, and Claire Brockelman, deftly managed their responsibilities and teams and left the PTO well-positioned to thrive into 2018. That responsibility will fall to the newly formed PTO board: Eli Burstein (President), Dave Stephens and Todd Helmbrecht (co-Vice Presidents), Amy Baugh (Treasurer), Jen O'Neil (Asst. Treasurer), Nicole Meyer (Secretary), Lauren Lin (Member at Large), Liz Drews, Jolie Helmbrecht, and Sabreena Kropp (Ways and Means), and Nicole Park and Jeanne Norton (New Families).
And despite all of these brave souls willing to give their time and energy to PTO, there remain plenty of volunteer opportunities. Anybody willing to consider a PTO role -- no matter how big or small -- please reach out and let us know your interest and capacity. We WILL find something that fits your parameters and your kids will love you more for your contribution!